Increasing Productivity and Enhancing Output Quality and Accuracy
Research suggests that the value of an organization’s culture directly impacts their employees’ willingness to produce. As we all know,...
Pivotal Technology Moments in Legal Calendaring History
Over the years, the parent company of JuraLaw, Law Bulletin Media, has spent considerable time and resources designing innovative...
Technology Part 3: The Mobile App Trend
JuraLaw created the JuraLawyer mobile app in anticipation of IoT legal docketing demand for on-the-go attorneys through their smartphones...
Technology Part 2: The Web-Based Trend
Today, Millennials out-number the once dominant Baby Boomer generation. They are the primary demographic group being hired by law firms...
Technology Part 1: The Cloud Computing Trend
Welcome to the JuraLaw blog! As a leader in the business of legal calendar management, this platform allows us to provide our insights...